Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Yearbook Experience

at 9:45 AM 0 comments
During my student teaching, I was able to help with a jr. high yearbook class who used HerfJones (who has a wonderful online program for the kids to utilize). While volunteering prior to my student teaching, I helped a teacher at a high school start up a journalism/yearbook combo class.
I majored in journalism, and was involved in yearbook class in jr. high; I was close friends with the yearbook editors at my high school. 

I thought I was fully prepared for teaching a yearbook journalism class.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Definitely an Experience

at 2:37 PM 0 comments
My current school is a very interesting school, no doubt about it. Not only have we switched classrooms a total of six times this school year, we've also been located at three different sites, and have effectively built our school from the ground up.

We started the year out at two different sites. When I came for the interview, I saw where the school would be located. It was an old goat barn, and four portable buildings.

However, when I accepted the job and came out on the day before classes started, the directions I was given completely confused me ...until I realized that classes wouldn't be held at the school site.
Nope, we started the year out at the local Baptist church, who was kind enough to lend us rooms free of charge. And I say "we" meaning the high school and junior high school. We're a k-12 charter school in the middle of ranch country near the foothills. Our elementary school was located about 10 miles ago, back next to the school site, at the local home owners association building (who did charge us to be there).

And our principal? She was located at the office about 1.5 miles away from our high school, next to the local pizza shop.
That's right... You try having an irate parent, a troublesome kid, or an emergency when the principal is 1.5 miles down the road. Those first few months were FUN. *rolls eyes*


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